Liturgical Ministries

Bereavement Ministry

Ministério del Duelo


Parish Pastoral Office

Coping with the death of a loved one can be one of the most difficult challenges we face. It often raises profound spiritual questions and leaves us with a long-lasting ache and in need of care which goes beyond the funeral.

In our community, faith is an essential resource in coping with death and grief. We have experienced that hope rises when we support one another. Therefore, in service to our community St. Agnes Bereavement Ministry has been developed under the spiritual direction of Fr. Juan Carlos Paguaga, and the pastoral formation and training services in Grief Support offered by a collaborative team of bereavement professionals through MorningStar Renewal Center.

Our mission is to bring hope and live our faith as a community, especially in times of difficulty. We believe that times of grief do not have to be times of isolation or aloneness. When we grieve, we may be sad, lonely, angry, disillusioned, or even faithless, but we believe that however we feel we need not be alone. We are here to listen, to be with, to pray with and for you. We believe that when the people of the church are present, Christ is being present, and in this effort, we will discover that God is there, with us, especially in our grief.

St. Agnes Faith-based Peer Grief Support Group

eer-to-Peer grief support group(s) offer a supportive and caring environment which foster acceptance, healing, and personal and spiritual growth.

We aim to create a sacred space where all are welcome to express themselves and listen to others express their losses in a supportive environment that honors and respects faith, culture, family, and personal experiences as related to the grief support process.

We aim at being a small community of faith and learning, with a focus on understanding grief, the grieving process, and how to support those dealing with losses of any kind.

You are invited to join the Grief Support Group call the Pastoral Office or write an e-mail to Our Group welcomes any adult who is grieving for or because an experienced loss, especially the loss of a loved one.

You are invited to join the Grief Support Group call the Pastoral Office or write an e-mail to . Our Group welcomes any adult who is grieving for or because an experienced loss, especially the loss of a loved one.




Mara Santalla

The purpose of this ministry is to give young adults, college age and above, an opportunity to grow in faith and deepen their religious formation. We have 2 retreats per year. This ministry could use the help of young adults and adults.

Join us for Night Youth Adoration every Monday.


EFFETA #3 Retreat Registration




English for men

English for women

St. Agnes Emmaus is a Ministry of evangelization, which is responsible for preparing and organizing the Emmaus retreats twice per year (in both English and Spanish). Our objective is to continue inviting members of our community over a weekend to encounter Jesus in an intimate setting. At each retreat participants experience transformed hearts and renewed faith. Meetings are held in preparation for the retreats, and also as follow-up occasions for spiritual formation and religious education.

We also have charitable activities during the year and participation is encouraged.

Marriage Covenant Retreat

Retiro Convenio Matrimonial

The marriage covenant retreat consists of a weekend of activities, talks, and exercises to strengthen marriages. We cover key topics such as: God’s place in our marriage, praying as a couple, communication, forgiveness, and family. The retreat provides a unique opportunity to take a break from daily life and reflect on our vocations as husbands and wives. It is also a great way to have fun and to meet other couples from our parish.

We offer the retreat twice per year in Spanish. Subsequent to the retreat, we have monthly meetings. These meetings not only continue to strengthen our marriage, but also are fun and create long-lasting friendships.

Perpetual Adoration


Ana Lucrecia De Aguiar

St. Agnes is blessed to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel, with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)


General Information Registration Docs & Forms

Mission Statement

Our mission is simply to hold and teach the Catholic Faith that comes to us from the Apostles. We acknowledge the one Teacher, Jesus Christ, and remain steadfastly united to the Catholic Church He founded on the rock of St. Peter.


The Religious Education Program is a ministry at the service of the children and their families. It offers the children in our community (Grades PK4 through 12) the opportunity to study and deepen their knowledge of the Catholic Faith and to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion and Confirmation)

Each child is seen as created in the image and likeness of God as a reflection of His goodness. We recognize that each human being is endowed with different capacities; therefore, we welcome, receive, and work towards the development of the faith in children who have special learning needs. Furthermore, as we understand that God has created all things for His glory and our benefit, we recognize that the call to be a living witness to the Gospel is central to the development of each student.

The core elements listed below form the foundation and strength of our Religious Education Program. With these elements, we seek to cultivate the hearts, minds, and souls of our students to their fullest potential:

  • We recognize and respect parents as the primary educators of their children.
  • We present the doctrine of the Catholic faith in its fullness and entirety as both knowledge to be learned and a life to be lived.
  • The Sacramental Life is central to develop and sustain the Catholic Faith.
  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our faith.
  • We promote frequent reception of the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist.
  • We teach the Gospel values which reveal the moral life as expressed in the Ten Commandments and Beatitudes.
  • We profess, cultivate, and practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
  • We revere the Word of God.
  • We look to the example of Our Blessed Mother Mary, the first disciple of Jesus as our model in the faith.
  • We read about and study the lives of the saints as an example for our lives.
  • We stress the importance of prayer as a source for growth in our spiritual lives. Holy Hours, Rosaries, Novenas, personal prayers, and Mass attendance are encouraged.


Date: Sundays , Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 pm, Grades: Pk – 8

Date: Tuesdays , Time: 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm, Grades: Pk – 8

Date: Wednesdays Time: 4:15 pm - 5:45 pm, Grades: Pk – 8

Sacramental Years

To receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation the student needs a minimum of two years of preparation. The Sacramental preparation for First Communion begins in 2nd grade and for Confirmation in 7th grade.

For more information, please call: (305) 361-1378 or


Retreats are the most effective way to get away from our world and closer to Jesus.

St. Agnes offers weekend retreats for youth of all ages (middle school, high school & college +), men, women and couples.

If you or anyone you know are interested in attending one of our retreats, please send an email so that you are notified of our next retreat date.

for men only or women only
(offered in English & Spanish)

Marriage Covenant
for couples
(offered in English & Spanish)

for youth in college or above
(offered in English)

Youth Ministry
for youth in middle school or high school
(offered in English)

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Spiritual Growth

Crecimiento Espiritual

Spiritual growth is something that should never cease in the life of a Catholic. We offer our parishioners many opportunities for formation such as bible classes, spiritual and catechetical courses, and social doctrine seminars. We also offer opportunities for spiritual growth with pilgrimages, daily rosaries, and prayer meetings. For more information on schedules, please see our app, website, or bulletins.

Why Catholic?

Why Catholic?


The Why Catholic Ministry gathers small Christian communities of eight to twelve parishioners who get together to reflect and share in the Sacred Scriptures and Catechism of the Catholic Church. Intimate groups provide an ideal, supportive environment for evangelization and adult faith formation. Each group gets together once a week in two blocks of six consecutive weeks. The meetings take place either in the pastoral center or in the homes of the participants.

If you would like to participate you can join the groups that are already formed or you could start a new group. This group should not only grow in faith and formation, but also work to find ways to serve others in need. We also organize a yearly retreat to reflect on the Word of God and to share with other communities. Everyone is invited!

Youth Ministry

Why Catholic?

About us The Ministry Middle SchoolHigh School Youth Night AdorationResources

Our Parish

As a worshipping Roman Catholic parish family we are guided by a collective partnership of pastor, laity, and ministerial staff. Together we seek to foster spiritual growth through active practice of our Catholic Christianity. By sharing our God-given talents and resources with all God’s people we strive for peace and justice as the Body of Christ.

For over 60 years, St. Agnes has cared for the youth of our parish and the Key Biscayne community. Priests, volunteers and professional staff have created a vision for youth ministry that includes faith formation, community building, sacramental preparation and peer leadership. We hope that you will join us in continuing to empower young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Vision Statement – Youth Ministry

Our vision is to develop well-formed Catholic youth, renewed in mind, heart and spirit, on fire for Christ. We strive to support parents as the primary catechist and we value the active support and involvement of the community as we aim to implement this vision.

The purpose of St. Agnes Catholic Church's Youth Ministry is to create environments that enhance opportunities for our youth to explore truth, express faith, experience God, and embrace community.

There are many committed and faithful volunteers that make this ministry possible. Without their dedication none of our Youth Ministry programming would be possible.

Click here for the Ministry Schedules