Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
The Altar Servers Ministry is one wherein children are invited to serve and assist the priest on the altar during all Masses offered at our parish. Students who have done their first communion may serve if they have attended an altar server training session. Training sessions are held in both the Fall and Spring.
El Ministerio de Monaguillos es uno en el cual los estudiantes de la Academia y del CCD están invitados a servir y ayudar al sacerdote en el altar en las misas de nuestra parroquia. Los estudiantes que hayan hecho su primera Comunión pueden servir siempre y cuando hayan asistido a la sesión de capacitación para monaguillo. Las sesiones de capacitación se llevan a cabo en el otoño y en la primavera.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)
The Church seeks to make the Body of Christ accessible to all Catholics who have received First Holy Communion. Lay people, known as Eucharistic Ministers, can perform an active role helping parish priests by distributing Communion at Mass and taking Communion to the sick who cannot attend Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers are faithful men and women who are instituted, after proper instruction, as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion according to the papal document Immensae Caritatis. They are people whose lives are lived in accordance with the dictates of our faith and whose hearts are full of compassion and love of neighbor.
The Lector Ministry is a very important part of our St. Agnes community because Lectors help disseminate the Word of God during the celebration of the Mass. The Lector Ministry does require strong language capabilities combined with a high level of comfort in public speaking. It is therefore necessary for Lectors to be truly suited for this Ministry and carefully prepared so that the faithful attending Mass can fully appreciate and accept the Word of God.
Music serves as an ofering of praise and thanksgiving to God, being in fact a form of prayer. Our parish music ministry serves to inspire and uplift our parishioners by providing a program as diverse as its people. Music at most Masses is provided by volunteer choirs and cantors. Singing or playing in one of the choirs gives you the opportunity to enhance worship at our parish, to nourish community among choir members and with fellow parishioners, and to experience the opening of heart and spirit that is found in musical prayer.
Our mission is to help provide a welcoming, orderly, and peaceful environment for all parishioners during Masses at St. Agnes.include welcoming parishioners to Mass, distributing bulletins, managing crowds, facilitating collections, and directing parishioners during Communion.
We are always looking for additional ushers interested in helping this very imp ortant Ministry! Men and women of high school age or older are welcome.