Our Parish

As a worshipping Roman Catholic parish family we are guided by a collective partnership of pastor, laity, and ministerial staff. Together we seek to foster spiritual growth through active practice of our Catholic Christianity. By sharing our God-given talents and resources with all God’s people we strive for peace and justice as the Body of Christ.

For over 60 years, St. Agnes has cared for the youth of our parish and the Key Biscayne community. Priests, volunteers and professional staff have created a vision for youth ministry that includes faith formation, community building, sacramental preparation and peer leadership. We hope that you will join us in continuing to empower young people to be disciples of Jesus Christ.

Vision Statement – Youth Ministry

Our vision is to develop well-formed Catholic youth, renewed in mind, heart and spirit, on fire for Christ. We strive to support parents as the primary catechist and we value the active support and involvement of the community as we aim to implement this vision.

The purpose of St. Agnes Catholic Church's Youth Ministry is to create environments that enhance opportunities for our youth to explore truth, express faith, experience God, and embrace community.

There are many committed and faithful volunteers that make this ministry possible. Without their dedication none of our Youth Ministry programming would be possible.